This website contains blog posts about ESESC(Enhanced Super ESCalar). The idea is that papers that use ESESC or users that have insights about how to use ESESC can post a blog entry.

To post an entry, you should send me the contents by email to

This blog uses jekyll but to format the text you should use maruku. The most important are the following:

## for sections

## for sections

Sample code, just indent 4 spaces:

for (int i=0;i<100;i++)
This is a sample link to the [masc group]
[masc group]:
<table class="center1"> <thead> <tr> <th>Core</th> <th>copy</th> <th>scale</th> <th>add</th> <th>triad</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="left">540M</td> <td class="left">6197</td> <td class="left">6344</td> <td class="left">6787</td> <td class="left">6751</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">OMAP4</td> <td class="left">306</td> <td class="left">291</td> <td class="left">426</td> <td class="left">426</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">6172</td> <td class="left">2970</td> <td class="left">2899</td> <td class="left">3008</td> <td class="left">2956</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
540M 6197 6344 6787 6751
OMAP4 306 291 426 426
6172 2970 2899 3008 2956
A list with just bullets
* foo
* bar
  • foo

  • bar